Making Critical Manpower Decisions
One critical decision every HR professional is faced with is ensuring that the manpower needs of a company is met. This means that we have
Whenever you are considering a part time job, you should always take into account the pros (benefits) and cons (disadvantages).
Part-time jobs can offer great flexibility and benefits to job seekers.
Weighing the pros and cons of a part time job helps in making your choice on if part-time job is the right fit for you.
These pros and cons will help you make up your mind.
It is a great opportunity to start earning additional money, people often complain about their financial situation and getting a part-time job can fix it.
Applicants are looking for part-time work to supplement the income of their family or are full-time employees who is seeking additional income.
Professional part-time jobs can offer the flexibility to work around an existing schedule or work commitment to provide additional income for an individual or family.
Be serious and try to understand if you are ready to take on this kind of responsibility.
Do not look for a job with the sole intent to earn money.
Think carefully about the responsibilities you will have and evaluate your skills objectively.
Having a part-time job teaches you not only to earn, but to spend money as well.
It is very tempting to buy all those little things you’ve always wanted, now that you’ve received your first paycheck, but it is wiser to start saving.
Life is full of surprises, you never know what you might need that money for in the future. It is more practical to have some savings than exchange your remuneration for a fading instant joy.
Time they say is of the essence always being late is not a good characteristic for an employee to have.
Many job seekers are looking for ways to create time for their families, personal interests, or hobbies. part-time positions can allow for less time in the office, which means more time for other pieces of life.
There is always an opportunity to get useful experience for your future career.,the working environment can improve your communication skills.
A candidate who can easily find common ground with others has more chances of landing a job interview than the one who does not. Your first job can teach you to solve conflicts, find non-trivial solutions to all kinds of problems, and be more responsible.
The people you get to know while working might have a tremendous impact on your future professional development.
You never know who will be your lucky ticket to the business world.
Be polite and try to maintain good relationships with your colleagues and managers. It is often a friend of a friend who knows someone and can arrange a job interview for you.
With few ours to work it means you can focus on other important things to your life which you would not be able to if you a full time. People with full-time jobs often miss out on important family or social events as their work pressure doesn’t permit them to attend these occasions.
Many employers only offer benefits like insurance to their full-time employees, so many part-time employees have to find their own health insurance.
Some industries do offer these benefits to their part-time employees, but if you are in need of benefits, it is certainly harder to secure them in a part-time position.
splice employment can be stressful and can result in a reduced efficiency from an employee that is trying to balance too many jobs at once.
There is a common misconception that all part-time jobs are entry-level or unprofessional.
At Tempkers, we see a wide variety of experience and education required for part-time positions, ranging from entry-level to executive.
Many people with professional part-time jobs feel that they need to stay in step with their full-time counterparts and can feel increased stress to get work done in fewer hours.
This can be fed by the desire to stay competitive or feeling that they have the same workload, but with reduced time to accomplish it.
It is important to consider the expectations of a position and the amount of time allotted to accomplish it.
It can be challenging for a part-time employee to move up within an organization when they are not present as much as their full-time coworkers.
If you are serious about moving up in an organization, you need to communicate your commitment and desire to advance to avoid the assumption that you are not serious about working for the company that hired you.
The urge to get a job while you are still engaged in other things like schooling is the need to reject the invitations from your friends because there is no time left for fun.That is not entirely true, but you may meet up with friends less often than you did before.
Most part time job do not have job security because company could lay them off at any time, making it impossible to plan for bigger expenses, also part time job would make you some time to take job not related to your chosen career goal making the growth process within chosen field stunted.
Professional part-time jobs can offer great flexibility and benefits to job seekers, it also can have some pitfalls.
Understanding the pros and cons of a part time job, you can make an educated choice on whether part-time employment is the right fit for you.
Part-time, full-time, flexible, hybrid, or remote, the Tempkers database has them all! Our team of researchers does the hard part, verifying that every opening is legitimate so you don’t have to.
Sign up to our recruitment package to get full access to the database and so much more, so take initiative and learn how working with tempkers can power your job search
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